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Children's Miracle Network

Children’s Miracle Network (CMN Hospitals) impacts the lives of more children than any other charity in the world. CMN hospitals provide life-saving research and state-of-the-art care for seriously ill children 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Since 1987, Children’s Miracle Network at MCH has raised more than $7 million – most of which is donated a dollar or two at a time. One hundred percent of the donations received locally stay in the area to purchase medical equipment, educate staff, and promote awareness of programs that benefit children in a 19-county region.

Our Mission

Our mission is to impact the lives of children and their families through raising funds and awareness to benefit the children at Medical Center Hospital.

Our Vision

Together we save kids’ lives.

Our Values

Our vision and mission define what we do, but our values define who we are:

  • Integrity: We believe in our cause, which motivates us to do the right things for the right reasons.
  • Teamwork: We respect and value each other, which enhances our ability to collaborate and innovate.
  • Leadership: We lead by learning from the past, planning for the future, and dreaming big.

The Miracle Begins with You – Make Your Donation Today

We need your financial support to help miracles come true for seriously ill children. Every dollar donated stays in West Texas to help local children and families in need.

If you'd like to give a gift, contact us at (432) 640-1247.

The Story of a Miracle Child

Jaxton Menix was born on June 13, 2020, at Medical Center Health System, a Children's Miracle Network Hospital. Jaxton was born 10 weeks prematurely and weighed 2lbs and 8 ounces! Jaxton had difficulty breathing on his own due to premature lungs and was later diagnosed with Atrial Septal Defect (ASD). Jaxton was continuously seeking treatment for his heart murmur and the hole in his bloodline that leads from his left lung to his heart. Now, Jaxton has been treated by several CMN hospitals where a genetic mutation in his 16th chromosome was discovered. This has caused hypotonia, seizure like activity, bilateral inguinal hernias, and ASD. That rarity of Jaxton's medical condition makes him that more special! It is because of Children's Miracle Network that Jaxton is now a happy 4-year-old boy who has a bright future!

How CMN Hospitals Can Help Your Child

CMN Hospitals raise funds for 170 hospitals serving children across North America, including Medical Center Hospital. Locally, CMN helps to fund:

  • Lifesaving equipment for Medical Center Hospital’s Hospital Samantha Canady Center for Pediatric Care and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and mobile equipment for ambulance and air transport of premature and sick newborns.
  • Continuing Education for NICU and pediatric nursing staff.
  • Charitable care for patients and their families during their greatest time of need.
  • Programs and spaces to promote healing for pediatric patients.

Help the Children’s Miracle Network. Donate today!

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